Kerry Connell Sensei, Godan (5th degree black belt)
In 1993 Kerry Sensei came into the Aikido of Madison dojo for the first time. He was fascinated by the smooth fluid motions of the instructors as they redirected the incoming attacks and dispatched the attackers without harming them. Equally fascinating though for Kerry was the abilities of the attackers to receive the powerful movements in ways that allowed them to protect them selves. That night he made himself a promise that as soon as he graduated from the UW of Madison he would return.
In 1994 after his final exam, he came back to Aikido of Madison to observe another class, and then began taking instructions at a Friday night weapons class with John Stone Sensei.
In 1999 Kerry took his Shodan test at the Chicago Aikikai, and began teaching the Friday night weapons program. While his first class was the weapons class, Kerry Sensei has always been fascinated with the role of uke. It has been through his study of ukes movements that he has grown his own understanding of Aikido, and he began a class dedicated to the role of uke at Aikido of Madison in 2009.
In January of 2023 Kerry Sensei was promoted to the rank of Godan.