2219 Atwood Ave.
(608) 628-1907
What is Aikido?
Mission of Aikido of Madison
History of Aikido of Madison
Founders / Chief Instructors
Robin Cooper Sensei
John Stone Sensei
Jeff Hempel Sensei
Barb Brown Sensei
Tseng Wang Sensei
Kerry Connell Sensei
Cathy Middlecamp Sensei
Jason Rudolph Sensei
Mark Bissen Sensei
Jaime Lam
Stacie Saph Sensei
Syd Withers Sensei
Dojo Location
Class Schedule
How to Join
Dojo Etiquette
Membership Dues/Pay Online
Karate and Katori Shinto Ryu
Class Schedule
Bujin Ki Do Karate
Katori Shinto Ryu
Youth Aikido
Youth Program Overview
How to Join
Class Schedule
Membership Dues/Pay Online
Other Youth Programs
Bujin Ki Do Karate
Katori Shinto Ryu (Age 14 and up)
Events Calendar
Online Payments
Facility Tour
Class Schedule
Member Guidelines
Registration Forms
Testing Requirements
Dojo Etiquette
Instructional Videos
We enjoyed having Jan Nevelius Sensei visit us las
Swari Waza (seated techniques) class is tonight at
Suwari Waza (seated techniques) class is tonight a
A snowy morning in the dojo with Kerry Sensei teac
Congratulations on an amazing 2nd kyu test! #dojop
Midwest Shrine Session with Saotome Shihan- #asuai
Monday, January 20th, 2025: Aikido of Madison is
We are proud to report Emily had a successful 3rd
Save the date! Registration is open- aikidoofmadi
Congrats to Austin on his recent Nidan test! #yud
Instagram post 18025575932588156
We are proud to share that our very own Barb Brown
Please join us this Friday, September 6th for our
Please join us for a special topic day: Kicks in A
We were honored to learn from Kurt Lifka Sensei- 5
We are proud to report that Syd Withers completed
We are looking forward to a testing event this Sat
Robin Cooper Sensei along with Dan Messisco Sensei
We are so excited to invite you to join us for a s
Our Friendship Seminar with Jan Nevelius Shihan wa
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(608) 628-1907
2219 Atwood Ave.
Member ASU
Aikido Schools of Ueshiba
ASU Website